Call Center
The QuotePro call center service is a great use of push-pull technology

About the Call Center
A great use of push-pull technology
Push: Our outgoing call feature alleviates much of the manual support required by your office for payments, renewals and collections. Let our automated call features handle these tasks, so your customer service representatives can be free to handle more knowledge-based inquires or sales.
Pull: Your customers can call in at their convenience. Then, by following simple voice prompts and with the touch of a few buttons, they can instantly make payments, learn their next payment due date, and more. No waiting for a representative for service, and no need to send paperwork in the mail.
Business Benefits
Increase response with QuotePro call center
- 100% payment automation for in-bound callers
- 100% outbound call center automation for past- and coming-due accounts
- 100% outbound call center automation for renewals
- All payments are posted in real-time
- Online reconciliation reporting
- Supports both your English and Spanish customers
- QuotePro Call Center technology has been adopted by many of our Healthcare and auto dealership customers
- Contact us about how the QuotePro Call Center could help your business