Top Three Reasons Why Your Dealership Needs a Complete Online Sales Solution

Think back to how you bought your last car?  Did you start with a Google search? How many reviews did you read online? Was it on your phone?  Now think back to a car purchase you might have made ten years ago?  Did you start by wandering the showroom, chatting with a salesperson, and taking brochures home? Car shopping has changed dramatically, and the pandemic has only accelerated the move online.

Unfortunately, some dealerships are just not equipped to serve the 61% of shoppers who prefer to find their vehicles online.  Here are the top three reasons why your dealership needs to offer a new experience. 

1. It’s more convenient and efficient for you and your customers

Your customers’ ability to shop from their couch at any time, any day means that you can make sales at any time, any day, not only during business hours. No longer do customers need to come to your dealership to select a car. Now they can browse your inventory, select a vehicle, and with the unique capabilities of AutoQuoter, provide all the documentation needed for a loan application and test drive – all before ever stepping foot in your dealership. Even better, they can now sign paperwork online.

In a recent Forbes article,  76% percent of dealers surveyed said they were better able to serve their customers online. The most impressive stat was that 61% said that digital retailing improved their salesroom efficiency.

2. It saves money and time Starting the sales process online helps ensure your employees spend more time assisting customers who are more likely to purchase, and less time on those who visit in-person to simply browse. “68% of customers said that it took less than two hours for them to complete their purchase in April, in the midst of the COVID crisis, compared to 43% in February before showrooms shut down.” Providing an online inventory for your customers to browse through allows them to filter for what they are exactly looking for without walking through a parking lot. A streamlined online experience can cut through piles of paperwork, increasing the chance that a customer will buy a vehicle from you today and come back in the future. In fact, 24% of dealerships were able to increase the number of cars sold per person when they shifted to online sales. With online car sales on the rise, now is the perfect time to invest in an easier sales experience.

3. It’s the future

Online sales are the future for the auto industry, and it’s easier than ever to create a great online buying experience for your customers. In recent years online car sales companies have seen a rise in sales, but many dealerships, both used car and franchise, have not made online sales an option. After the pandemic started, more dealerships than ever moved to online sales.

Today 96% of people start their search for a car online, but most cannot complete their purchase online and are still forced to go to a dealership in person. That’s not the case with AutoQuoter. Your customers can start and finish their search for a car online, even sign documents online.

Purchasing a car completely online has been something many consumers have wanted, but until recently, not many dealerships have provided. QuotePro can help your dealership make this shift to online sales with AutoQuoter. AutoQuoter offers you the tools that you need for your customers to engage with you in simple ways, while also integrating with your Dealer Management System.

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